What is the difference between RAC and RAC plus

When shopping for car insurance in the UK, you will encounter policies offered by the RAC, a trusted source with almost 110 years of experience in providing auto coverage. The RAC offers two tiers of insurance: RAC Car Insurance and RAC Plus. It is important to understand the differences between these two coverage options to determine which one is better suited for your needs. This comprehensive guide will examine the key distinctions between RAC and RAC Plus car insurance, highlighting the additional benefits offered by RAC Plus and evaluating whether the higher premium cost is justified.

Overview of RAC Car Insurance:

The basic RAC Car Insurance policy includes all the essential coverages required by law, as well as some desirable extras. The benefits provided are as follows:

- Third-party liability coverage up to £20 million

- Protection against accidental damage and fire for your vehicle

- Personal accident coverage up to £2,500

- Coverage for personal belongings up to £200

- Replacement of child seats up to £300

- Windscreen repair with a £75 excess

- Breakdown assistance

- Provision of a courtesy car while your vehicle is being repaired

Additionally, RAC insurance offers optional add-ons to customize your protection, such as a protected no-claims bonus, key cover, legal expenses, and guaranteed repairs using RAC-approved garages.

Additional Benefits Provided by RAC Plus:

By upgrading to an RAC Plus policy, you will receive all the benefits included in the basic RAC cover, along with enhanced features, including:

- Higher coverage limits: Personal accident coverage increases from £2,500 to £10,000, personal belongings coverage increases from £200 to £500, and child seat replacement rises from £300 to £750. This means you enjoy greater protection for your personal items and child safety seats.

- Reduced windscreen excess: While fixing small chips and cracks is covered under the basic policy, the windscreen excess is lowered from £75 to £25 with RAC Plus, resulting in more affordable repairs.

- Improved breakdown assistance: Roadside help is significantly enhanced with a RAC Plus policy. It includes home rescue, which provides assistance with breakdowns at home, national recovery that covers the cost of towing your car to any UK destination, onward travel that offers alternative transport to continue your journey if your car cannot be quickly fixed, and European cover that extends breakdown assistance to trips across Europe. This ensures that expert help is available wherever your travels take you, providing you with peace of mind.

- Motoring legal protection: RAC Plus includes legal expense insurance, covering the costs of pursuing injury compensation, recovering uninsured losses, defending against motorcycle prosecutions, and protecting against vehicle cloning. Having legal assistance gives you an advantage in recovering costs after an accident.

- RAC Accident Care: This service assists you in dealing with the aftermath of an accident by facilitating the recovery of any uninsured losses from the at-fault driver, providing a replacement vehicle, arranging vehicle repairs, and guiding you through the process of claiming compensation for any injuries sustained. Relying on RAC's expertise will make navigating the impact of an accident much smoother.

How Does RAC Plus Affect Your Premiums?

The main drawback of RAC Plus is that the additional benefits come at a higher cost in terms of insurance rates. Both the initial premium and the renewal premium will be higher for RAC Plus compared to basic RAC cover. On average, RAC Plus costs between 15% to 30% more than basic RAC cover for similar drivers and vehicles. For example, if a standard RAC policy has an annual premium of £350, you can expect to pay between £400 to £450 for RAC Plus. The exact difference will depend on your personal profile and the type of car you own. While RAC Plus requires a larger upfront investment, the higher premiums can potentially pay for themselves if you utilize the additional benefits during the policy term. Just one windscreen replacement or roadside rescue can offset the added cost.

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Who is RAC Plus Right For?

Upgrading to RAC Plus is most beneficial for the following individuals or groups:

- New and younger drivers: Less experienced motorists are more susceptible to accidents and breakdowns, which are covered by RAC Plus.

- Families transporting children: Enhanced child seat and personal belongings coverage provide extra reassurance to families.

- Frequent travelers: The national recovery and European breakdown assistance minimize disruptions caused by vehicle troubles when away from home.

- High mileage drivers: The more miles you cover, the higher the risk of needing roadside assistance and accident benefits.

- Owners of new or luxury vehicles: Expensive cars warrant the higher coverage limits and premium protections offered by RAC Plus.

For low-mileage drivers who rarely venture far from home, basic RAC cover might be sufficient. However, RAC Plus offers valuable enhancements at a modest additional cost.

Is RAC Plus Worth the Higher Premiums?

Here are some final pros and cons to consider when evaluating whether RAC Plus provides good value:

Reasons to Upgrade to RAC Plus:

- Significantly improved breakdown cover when you need assistance the most.

Drawbacks of RAC Plus:

- Higher insurance rates, resulting in increased upfront and renewal premiums.

Ultimately, the decision of whether RAC Plus is worth the higher premiums will depend on your personal circumstances and priorities. Assessing the potential benefits and weighing them against the additional cost will help you make an informed choice.

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